Goa Beef Traders Call Off Strike on Assurance of Police Protection for Meat Transportation
INDIA - Beef traders in Goa called off their four-day-old strike on Tuesday as the BJP-led coalition government assured them that the meat would be imported from Karnataka under police protection, a traders association chief said."In light of assurance given to us by senior police officials, that our beef consignments would be given police protection, we are withdrawing the strike. Beef will be available in Goa from Wednesday," Quraishi Meat Traders Association of Goa president Manna Bepari told reporters in the state.
The New Indian Express reports that beef traders in the coastal state were on strike from Saturday (6 January), alleging harassment by vigilante groups, who they allege have 'raided' their beef consignments imported from Karnataka, disrupting the business and harassment by government officials who create obstacles in transportation of the meat.
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