Water Reforms Arrive in Time to Distract from Drought Issues

NEW ZEALAND – Against a backdrop of the drought, the Land and Water Forum (LAWF) reforms- announced this week- could not have come at a better time as negative public opinion builds regarding the way in which farmers are adapting to difficult conditions.
calendar icon 15 March 2013
clock icon 1 minute read

The government has endorsed a package which aims to deliver both a national framework and a community planning policy that set boundaries and limits on usage.

“This is a positive Government endorsement of the monumental multi-stakeholder effort which went into LAWF,” said Ian Mackenzie, Federated Farmers environment spokesperson.

“What we have are positive, pragmatic and prioritised pathways reflective of the recent RMA discussion document. Government is not expecting communities to solve everything yesterday, but will instead help communities to build solutions from the ground up.”

This news comes at a welcome time for Federated Farmers of New Zealand. The organisation has released a media statement arguing against a picture of an animal suffering major injury which appeared in the NZ Herald.

FFNZ has accused the press of wrongly linking the picture to the drought saying that the photo is in ‘bad taste’ and ‘lacks context’.

Reassurance has been given that welfare issues alluded to in the picture are not widespread and farmers are responsible for sending stock away in good condition.

Livestock farmers have to meet a broad set of welfare requirements with humane slaughter being the only viable option when an animal is suffering due to severe injury or illness under the animal welfare code.


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