Beef School Gives Valuable Production Advice

AUSTRALIA - The University of Melbourne’s Dookie Campus provided the perfect mix of facilities for the Department of Primary Industries’ (DPI) BetterBeef team to offer practical, innovative information to over 120 producers at their annual North East Beef School on August 7 and 8.
calendar icon 23 August 2012
clock icon 2 minute read

DPI BetterBeef Project Manager Dougal Purcell said participants enjoyed an informal dinner and guest speaker Deb Bain on Tuesday evening. Deb is a wool and lamb producer from Skipton in south west Victoria.

“Deb is an inspirational rural leader, the founder and now a Director of Farm Day, Director for The Australian Year of the Farmer and is a passionate advocate for farmers,” Mr Purcell said.

“Deb’s message was to encourage producers to have the self-belief to promote and be proud of what they do.

“Wednesdays’ sessions offered a range of interactive presentations with leading experts, providing information to assist in managing a more efficient, highly profitable beef enterprise.”

Presentations and lectures covered broad and engaging topics such as managing pestivirus in your herd, Estimated Breeding Values, optimal pasture growth and use, keeping your on-line NLIS account up to date, and expert advice on productive soil management.

Mr Purcell said participants had the opportunity to stretch their legs and enjoy the outdoor yard sessions on practical animal handling demonstrations and animal assessment and structure.

“The day was a combination of practical and technical topics, which delivered relevant and accurate information to the participants. We received many positive comments from participants, noting that presenters were stimulating, informative and challenging.

“The DPI BetterBeef team has reinforced the advanced standard of delivery at its Beef Schools in the North East and Gippsland.

“DPI will continue to build on and improve its services to producers, assisting them to build a pathway to an efficient and profitable beef enterprise.”

The 2012 Beef School was a joint initiative of the Department of Primary Industries, Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE (GOTAFE), University of Melbourne and Meat and Livestock Australia.

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