UK Schmallenberg Update

UK - To date there are 258 UK farms reporting SBV: 36 in cattle and 222 in sheep, according to the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA).
calendar icon 16 May 2012
clock icon 1 minute read

Two further cases have been confirmed in sheep, one in the Channel Islands and one in Buckinghamshire. Buckinghamshire is a new addition to the list of counties reporting affected animals, but it is still within the recognised “at risk” area in England.

The AHVLA has adjusted some of the current total numbers for the counties where some premises lie close to a county boundary. This has no bearing on the distribution of infection when it occurred last summer or on our assessment of the risk of incursion of potentially infected midges from Continental Europe. It is a consequence of more detailed ongoing work following up affected premises in order to assess impact.

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