Cattle Supply Improves But Meat Price Soars
TANZANIA - Pugu livestock market in Dar es Salaam has experienced a good supply of cattle but the price of meat has continued to go up. A report issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry indicates that there has been a high demand for cattle, goats and sheep.The report said that the volume of cattle supplied at the market rose to almost eight per cent from 610 to 658 but failed to subdue the demand as mature male cow grade-two (G2) prices jumped up by almost 15 per cent to 820,000/-. But traders believe that the Idd el Haj celebrations have partly attributed to the price rise, reports AllAfrica.
The price of mature cow male (G-3) jumped by almost five per cent to 550,000/-.The report shows that the price jumped slightly by between 0.6 and two per cent. Grade Two mature female cow price went up to 540,000/- from 537,000, while G-3 cow went up to 480,000/- from 471,000/- in a week-to-week comparison.
Despite a supply increment of sheep by almost three per cent, prices also went up with G-2 matured male hitting 18 per cent in a single week from 61,000/- to 72,000/- per head. A male sheep (G-3) jumped up by 5.7 per cent to 55,000/-.
Female G-2 prices remained range bond at 60,000/- while G3 were sold at 51,000/- per animal. This indicates a price change of 6.3 per cent. On the other hand 310 goats were supplied, showing a 1.6 per cent raise compared to the previous week which sent the prices of mature female and male grade-two up by 7.5 and 4.7 per cent.
The price was pegged at 93,000/- and 110,000 respectively. Goat male (G-3) prices, however, slid by almost four per cent to 50,000/- and female G-3 price remained intact at 50,000/-. A goat trader at Pugu auction, Mr William Mwalyema said the demand for sheep and goats soared last weekend despite a reliable supply.
"We hope things will return to normal soon after receiving a fresh supply," he said.
The meat price ranged between 5,000/- and 6,000/-per kilo. Pugu is the main livestock market in the country which feeds a population of over four million in Dar es Salaam and some parts of Coast Region. It also supplies cattle to the Comoros and some Arabian countries
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