Truckers’ Strike Hits Brazilian Meat Trade
BRAZIL - A strike by truck drivers that started in February has hit meat production and trade across Brazil according to the government market analysts Cepa.The truck drivers’ strike in several Brazilian regions also had a negative impact on the liquidity of the cattle market, but has had practically no affect on quotes.
According Cepea, the strike hit the transport and trade of animals and meat in the South and in the Central-Western regions.
However, in the main regions, there was no great damage.
The ESALQ/BM&FBovespa Index for fed cattle increased 0.66 per cent in February, closing the month at 144.38 BRL.
In spite of the significant increase of fed cattle prices compared to 2014, the current scenario for futures prices indicates that cattle quotes on the spot Brazilian market might continue to be stable during the year or show only slight rises.
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