Avoid Additional Costs With Clean Stock

UK - Producers are being reminded of the importance of ensuring stock meet rules on cleanliness at slaughter to avoid additional costs.
calendar icon 14 November 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

EBLEX has advised that producers should only present clean, dry stock or run the risk of incurring extra charges or deductions to satisfy additional controls.

These include clipping and cleaning dirty animals, reduced carcase value through additional trimming and, in extreme cases, loss of the entire carcase.

Five levels of cleanliness are recognised by food business operators for cattle and sheep. These levels range from one – clean and dry – to five – filthy and wet. Only animals falling into categories one and two can be slaughtered without restrictions.

EBLEX’s Minimising carcase losses for Better Returns manual has suggested switching cattle and sheep to a drier ration and ensuring they are provided with adequate straw prior to slaughter. Visible signs of dirt can be removed by careful and safe clipping and hides and fleeces should be kept as dry as possible to reduce the risk of spreading bacteria.

Dr Phil Hadley, EBLEX southern senior regional manager, said: “The hygiene controls in abattoirs have clear guidelines on cleanliness of cattle and sheep at slaughter. Animals falling outside those guidelines will be subject to additional restrictions and the costs associated with addressing those issues.

“While preventing animals becoming dirty in the first place is, of course, ideal, it can’t always be achieved, particularly in the wetter winter months. However, if stock are not presented for slaughter dry and clean, it can lead to increased processing costs which may be passed back to producers and ultimately reduce returns.”

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