Mexican Beef Imports Increase
MEXICO - Mexican beef imports during April were 10 per cent higher year-on-year, at 14,598 tonnes, with a substantial increase in fresh and chilled beef from the US more than offsetting a small decline in imports from Canada.
There were also small changes in imports from Australia and NZ, but these are very low volumes relative to the US and Canada.
There was a large drop in Mexican beef exports during April (down 16 per cent on last year, to 10,106 tonnes), largely due to Russia closing their market to Mexico. There was as 38 per cent increase in fresh and chilled beef export to the US, to 7,603 tonnes - the main positive for Mexican exporters in April.
Australian exports to Mexico are generally small, but May (113 tonnes swt) and June (143 tonnes swt) were the two highest months since November 2011. All of this beef was thin flank, with a total for the first six months of 2013 of 351 tonnes swt, up 90 per cent on the same time last year.
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