MLA Livestock Sales: Market Levels After Christmas Break, Friday
AUSTRALIA - A roundup of Friday's markets shows throughput was steady at Dubbo and Bairnsdale where medium C2 vealers sold cheaper, averaging 159 cents, according to market analysts at Meat and Livestock Australia.
Throughput at Dubbo returned to normal levels after the Christmas break, with quality across all categories improving. Medium vealer steers to restock topped at 180¢, to average 177¢, while the heifer portion to slaughter averaged 159.3¢/kg.
Light yearling C2 steers returning to the paddock sold from 141¢ to 172¢, while medium weights to feeder orders averaged 7¢ higher on 164¢/kg. Light yearling heifers to feed topped at 155¢ to make 141.8¢/kg. Medium grown steers to lot feeders settled on 159¢, while heavy C3’s sold from 160¢ to 170¢/kg. Heavy C3 cows to slaughter made from 135¢ to 142¢, while D3 lines generally sold from 125¢ to 137¢/kg.
Consignments at Bairnsdale were steady with the usual buying group present in a mixed quality market. Medium C2 vealer heifers to slaughter sold cheaper, averaging 159¢ while heavy D3 yearling heifers were relatively unchanged averaging 137.5¢/kg.
Heavy D3 grown steers to slaughter topped at 168¢ to settle on 158.9¢, while light D3 grown heifers generally sold from 138¢ to 150¢/kg. Medium D1 Dairy cows averaged 103¢, while heavy D1 lines sold from 87.6¢ to 115¢/kg.
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