LMC: Great Britain Tops EU Deadweight Prices
EU - British prices have been buoyant after increasing by 11 cents per kilo on October, writes the Livestock and Meat Council.With an average R3 heifer
price of 442.5c/kg for the
week ending 18 November
2012 GB has continued to top the EU
Deadweight Cattle Prices League
This is an increase of 11.9c/kg
on the previous month when the
average R3 heifer price was
430.6c/kg as outlined in Table 1.
table from the Livestock and Meat Council
outlines the EU deadweight R3
heifer prices converted to euro for the
purposes of comparison between the
EU countries (EC Dressing Spec).
Over the same period the R3 heifer
price in NI increased by the equivalent
of 18.1c/kg to 412.1c/kg and this
reduced the differential between NI
and GB to 30.4c/kg (24p/kg) in the
week ending 18 November 2012.
differential had been 36.6c/kg
(30p/kg) in the week ending 21
October 2012. This increase of
18.1c/kg was the largest recorded
increase across the EU and has moved
NI up two places into fourth position
on the table.
Meanwhile in ROI the average R3
heifer price for the week ending 18
November 2012 increased by 9.7c/kg
to 392.6c/kg.
This increase moved it
up three places on the league table to
sixth position. However despite this
increase the differential between ROI
and NI R3 heifer prices widened from
11.1c/kg in the week ending 21
October 2012 to 19.5c/kg in the week
ending 18 November 2012.
Figure 1 shows the average R3 heifer
price from January 2011 to November
2012 for GB, ROI and NI.
Generally the
prices paid for R3 heifer carcases in NI
have been higher than the prices paid
in ROI but behind the prices paid in GB
with the differential widening
substantially from early summer
If we use the average R3 heifer
carcase weight in NI for the week
ending 18 November 2012, which was
320kg, then the difference in
monetary value of an R3 heifer
between NI and GB was almost
The difference in value
between NI and ROI in the same week
for a 320kg R3 heifer carcase was
almost £50 head.
If we compare this
to the same week last year the
average differential between NI and
GB was almost £30 and the
differential between ROI and NI was
about £5.
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