Hereford Wins at Carcass Competition

AUSTRALIA - EU steers sired by Herefords have achieved top prize at the Southern Grassfed Carcase Classic held at Teys Brothers Naracoorte, South Australia.
calendar icon 23 November 2012
clock icon 1 minute read

The 19 months old steers were by sons of Doonbiddie Hustler and were bred and entered by Chris Bateman, ‘Cheverton’, Furner, SA, whose main focus is producing grass fed EU-MSA accredited steers that meet the grid specifications at Teys Bros.

The carcases averaged 338 kgs with EMA ranging from 89 to 92 sq cms and came from Chris Bateman's grass based beef enterprise. Given the current dry spring this was hailed as a great result for 19 mths old steers by Mr Bateman.

This was the first time Cheverton had entered the competition encouraged by a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of the steers going to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Cheverton’s self replacing cross breeding program utilises Poll Hereford bulls over Simmental sired females and Simmental bulls over Poll Hereford sired females.

Poll Herefords are good easy going cattle that take the horns off and soften up the Simmental influence according to Chris Bateman.

“The Hereford influence means the steers are ideal for the EU market delivering the 340 to 350 kg carcase with a 10 to 12 mm fat cover at 20 to 21 months of age,” he said.

“Kilos produced per hectare is important to us and the Hereford influence drives that,” said Mr Bateman.

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