WA Beef Commentary Now Available
AUSTRALIA - Western Australian beef producers can access a new quarterly summary of key industry issues and market conditions, the WA Beef Commentary.
The document, an initiative of the WA Beef Council and compiled by the Department of Agriculture and Food, aims to improve market intelligence for WA beef industry stakeholders.
Beef Council Chairman Tony Hiscock said the inaugural edition, covering the first quarter of 2011, was now available online or via email.
“The Beef Council has identified a need for a broader understanding of how WA cattle flows impact on markets and views this commentary as an important part of improving information flow and communication,” he said.
Mr Hiscock said recent producer forums had called for improved market reporting to better inform management and marketing decisions.
Department State Beef Leader Brad McCormick said the WA Beef Commentary was a good example of the alignment of the department’s beef program with the strategic direction of the Beef Council.
“The report comments on the various factors that have influenced the recent increase in cattle prices,” Mr McCormick said.
“Higher prices are being driven by demand rather than a shortage of supply with eastern states restockers and live exporters with new markets contributing strongly to the increased demand.”
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