Vets to Vaccinate Over 70,000 Cattle in Cuvelai
ANGOLA - Veterinary services in Cuvelai district, Cunene province, expect to vaccinate at least 75,000 cattle against contagious peri-pneumonia and symptomatic, as well as nodular dermatitis, during cattle immunisation campaign opened last March in the province.The fact was announced to Angop on Monday by district veterinarian services chief, Adão Arnaldo, who stated that the technical and human conditions for the success of campaign in the districts like Mukolongondjo, Mupa, Kubati and Kalonga.
For the effect, veterinarian services have 16 staff distributed in five brigades to carry out the vaccination campaign, reports AllAfrica.
On the other hand, Adão Arnaldo encouraged cattle breeders to join the campaign.
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