TB Reactors Are Lower Because of Wildlife Control Programme, says Irish Farm Spokesman

IRISH – An Irish Farm spokesman has echoed UK sentiments, instead praising the work of his own Irish Agricultural Department in battling tuberculosis (TB) in cattle.
calendar icon 11 October 2013
clock icon 1 minute read

Irish Farmers Association Animal Health Chairman John Waters said that recent Department of Agriculture figures show, ‘significant reductions in the number of TB rectors’.

This can be attributed to the efficacy of the Wildlife Control Programme, he said.

But he added that the importance of the programme covering all areas is not to be underestimated.

“It is critical that this programme continues to be implemented in all areas, and in particular, targeted in those areas where levels of TB remain higher than the national average,” said Mr Waters. "The role of other wildlife in the spread of TB in these counties must be taken into account by the Department”.

He added that farmers are feeling the cost of herd restrictions, with consequences felt elsewhere on trade. 

“Herd restrictions impose enormous costs on farmers and limits their day-to-day farming activity. The Department must identify ways of reducing the burden of TB restrictions on farm families by utilising the savings in the TB Eradication budget, which have accrued due to the lower number of reactors, and by removing unnecessary prohibition on trade.”


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