LMC: Slaughter Figures Up 3.2 Per Cent on This Time Last Year

UK - Northern Ireland slaughter figures have increased 3.2 per cent for 2013 for the same period to 56,355, report market analysts at the Livestock and Meat Commission.
calendar icon 3 September 2013
clock icon 3 minute read

Deadweight Cattle Trade

Quotes from the plants for U-3 grade prime cattle have remained steady at 350-352p/kg this week with the 8p/kg bonus available for in spec steers and heifers. Quotes for cows have also remained similar to last week at 274-280p/kg, write LMC analysts.

The plants are reporting a steady supply of both prime cattle and cows. Throughput of prime cattle in the NI plants last week showed an increase for the third week in a row with a total of 6,072 head slaughtered.

LMC analysts say that this brings total throughput for the year to date to 216,046 head, a 2.6 per cent increase on the 210,469 head processed in the corresponding period in 2012. A total of 56,355cows have been killed in NI during 2013 to date, a 3.2 per cent increase on the same period in 2012.

Imports of prime cattle from ROI for direct slaughter in NI plants last week totalled 689 head with 75 cows also imported. Meanwhile exports from NI to GB for direct slaughter last week consisted of 299 prime cattle and 68 cows.

With the drop in quotes in recent weeks the prices being paid for cattle in the plants have come back accordingly. The average price reported R3 steer price in NI last week was 361.9p/kg,7.9p/kg back on the previous week with the R3 heifer price back 2.6p/kg to 364.7p/kg.

The average steer price in NI last week was 352.7p/kg, down 5.5p/kg on the previous week while the average heifer price was back 3.3p/kg to 357.1p/kg, saw commentators at LMC. Prices last week for steers and heifers were 12.6 per cent and 13.2 per cent respectively ahead of the corresponding week last year.


The GB average steer price last week was back 2.6p/kg to 384.4p/kg with average steer prices back in all the GB regions, with the exception of Southern England where the average price increased by 2

The average R3 steer price in GB last week was up 1.6p/kg on the previous week at 387.8p/kg with prices increasing in all the GB regions with the exception of Scotland where the R3 steer price was unchanged from the previous week at 406.5p/kg..3p/kg to 365.8p/kg.

A steady beef trade has been reported in ROI with throughput last week increasing from 25,940 head to 27,283 head. Reported prices for last week for steers and heifers were within 1p/kg of the previous week for the majority of reported grades. Meanwhile the prices paid for young bulls generally increased on the previous week. The R3 young bull price increased by4p/kg (+5cents)to 339.3p/kg with the O3 young bull price up 5.5p/kg (+7 cents) to 315.8p/kg.

This Weeks’ Marts

Finished first quality steers sold to an average of 211p/kg liveweight this week with second quality selling to an average of 188p/kg. First quality finished heifers sold from 194-222p/kg (av 204p/kg) compared to 202-234p/kg (av 215p/kg) last week.

Second quality finished heifers sold to an average of182p/kg this week compared to an average of 185p/kg last week. Store bullocks up to 400kg sold to an average of 214p/kg for first quality with second quality selling to an average of 185p/kg. Heavier bullocks over 500kg sold to an average of 207p/kg for first quality with second quality selling to an average of 180p/kg.

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