Brazilian Meat Production to Expand

BRAZIL - The latest long term outlook report released by Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, points to increased meat production over the next 10 years, according to Peter Duggan from the Strategic Information Services of Bord Bia – Irish Food Board.
calendar icon 29 July 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

The expansion in production is expected to show the greatest increase in poultry, beef and pork, respectively.

Total Brazilian beef production will increase by 22.5 per cent in the next 10 years to reach 10.9 million tonnes by 2022, while its exports are forecast to increase by 29 per cent over the same period to 1.88 million tonnes.

Brizil Meat Production ChartFor the first half of 2013, Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply reported that beef shipments from Brazil rose by 22 per cent to 679,000 tonnes compared to a year earlier, while export values were 14.6 per cent higher than the previous year.

The biggest growth was recorded in exports to Hong Kong, Algeria and Iran.

Poultry production is forecast to increase 46 per cent over the next 10 years, helping Brazil to maintain its mantle as the world’s largest chicken exporter, at an estimated 4.67 million tonnes.

For the same period, Brazilian pork production is forecast to expand 21 per cent, to 4.2 million tonnes.

Helping the growth in the feed intensive pork and poultry industries is further expansion in grain output, with corn production expected to rise 20 per cent over the next decade, to 93.6 million tonnes by 2022-23.

Brazilian soybean production is expected to total 99.2 million tonnes by 2022-23, an increase of 22 per cent over the next decade – well below the 66 per cent growth registered during the last decade.

The soybean planted area is forecast to also increase from 27.7 million hectares in 2013 to 34.4 million hectares in 2023.

Exports for this period are forecast to rise 27.5 per cent, to 46.9 million tonnes.

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