NFU Opposes Splitting Nutrition Programs from Farm Bill

US - National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson sent a letter to the members of the US House of Representatives urging a vote against the rule and final passage of H.R. 2642, a bill that divorces the nutrition title from the rest of the farm bill and repeals permanent law.
calendar icon 15 July 2013
clock icon 1 minute read

"Splitting the bill is a shortsighted strategy that would effectively undermine the long-standing bipartisan coalition of rural and urban members that have traditionally supported passage of a unified bill," said Mr Johnson. "We are also very concerned that including a provision that would repeal permanent law did not receive any outside scrutiny or ability to weigh in through hearings."

Repealing permanent law would remove the element in the bill which would force Congress to act on a piece of legislation that provides a safety net for farmers, ranchers, the food insecure and protects our nation’s natural resources.

Last week, NFU led a coalition of 532 organizations in writing a letter calling for the House not to split the bill. This broad-based coalition, composed of agriculture, conservation, rural development, finance, forestry, energy and crop insurance companies and organizations is now being undermined by extreme partisan political organizations that do not represent constituents affected by the farm bill.

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