Steady Week in The Markets Sees Five Area Average at $124.81
US - Last week, large fed Nebraska steers traded at $138.26, almost $10 dollars down on the previous week.Cash cattle sold mostly steady this week. The five-area live and dressed price stood at $124.81 per hundredweight and $199.06 per hundredweight on Friday, respectively up 36 cents and down 79 cents.
Wholesale boxed beef prices fell off their lofty perch as record setting prices for Choice beef began to cool following the Memorial Day weekend. In spite of the decline, Choice prices remain at elevated levels.
Choice finished with a weekly average of $208.32 per hundredweight, down $2.15. Live cattle futures ended the week moderately higher.
Oklahoma feeder steers and calves were mostly steady. Corn prices in Omaha were 10 cents per bushel lower, while distiller’s grains were about $5 per ton lower.