Experts Forecast Robust Beef Market for 2013
Northern Ireland - Approximately 80 per cent of NI beef is exported making it a net exporter, this means it is therefore vitally important that markets within, and beyond, the EU are fully utilised to add maximum value to the NI beef sector, according to the Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland.
With this in mind LMC, in conjunction
with Invest NI, have purchased a global
market report from GIRA which outlines
important global and EU market trends
and opportunities for both beef and
GIRA is a strategic market analyst and
research firm, founded over 30 years
ago, which focuses on the agri-food and
retail chain. They provide analysis of
European and worldwide markets in
some product sectors such as meat,
fish and dairy. GIRA hold annual
conferences where they provide an
overview of the European and global
food markets and use these
conferences to engage with worldwide
industry representatives and share
their forecasts on the performance of
the sector over the next twelve month
Meat Consumption Trends
In their latest report GIRA have outlined
increasing levels of total meat
consumption and expenditure on a
global scale, although at a slower rate
than has been recorded in recent years
due to higher prices. Poor harvests due
to weather difficulties have driven up
the cost of cereals and resulted in an
increase in the costs of production for
all meats across many regions of the
These high costs are expected
to keep meat prices at high levels well
into 2013. The costs of production in
agriculture are closely linked to the
price of oil and with oil prices expected
to remain high in the future the same
is expected with regards to production
costs in agriculture.
GIRA highlighted how important it is
that the higher prices now being paid
by the consumer for meat are fairly
distributed back to the production chain
to help cover the increasing costs of
production and the increased prices
being paid by the processor for raw
materials as a result.
It is equally
important that lower value cuts, which
currently have a low demand within the
EU, are effectively marketed on a global
scale as this will help to add carcase
value and increase returns to the EU
meat industry. Demand for cheaper
cuts have shown significant growth in
areas such as the Middle East and
North Africa as economies develop and
incomes increase.
The market analysis reports produced
by GIRA contain huge volumes of
information on the EU and Global meat
markets but for the purposes of this
article we will focus on their analysis of
the beef markets.

EU Beef Supplies
The latest analysis from GIRA in terms
of the performance of the EU beef
sector has highlighted the downward
trend in beef production across the EU
while high prices have continued.
2012 there has been a three per cent
reduction in domestic consumption of
beef within the EU with the primary
reason for this being the increasing
cost of beef on the super market
shelves. This is very much in line with
the latest NI consumer data from
Kantar which indicated a 3.3 per cent
drop in the volume of beef purchased
in NI in the year ending the 23
December 2012 when compared to the
previous year.
It is worth noting that the
value of beef sales in NI increased by
12.3 per cent over the same period
indicating continued strong consumer
demand for beef
The availability of other global markets
for beef to third country exporters,
combined with tight global supplies,
have meant that imports of beef into
the EU have been below quota in recent
years. The reduced level of imported
beef has further increased the beef
scarcity within the EU and helped to
maintain high beef prices.
The GIRA market research indicates
that supplies of finished cattle will
remain tight across much of the EU over
the next twelve months. There will
however be increased supplies of
finished cattle in Ireland due to an
increase in the number of calves
retained for beef production in 2011
coming fit for slaughter in 2013.
problem of reduced availability in the
EU is being exacerbated by the live
export of cattle to North Africa and the
Middle East as these further reduce the
availability of cattle for slaughter.
However the lower availability of cattle
for slaughter is not just confined to the
At present the supplies of slaughter
cattle across the globe are tight with
the lack of profitability, competition for
land and the high costs of beef
production discouraging cattle
production in many regions.
Future EU Beef Supplies
The most recent figures from GIRA have
indicated that 66 per cent of the cow
herd in the EU is dairy cattle which acts
as an important source of beef animals
for the beef sector. While some
countries, such as Ireland, have shown
slight dairy growth the general trend
across the EU has been an overall
decline with the dairy cow herd back
1.2 per cent in 2012 with a further, but
slower, decline forecasted for 2013 of
0.4 per cent.
Some of this decline in
dairy cow numbers can be attributed to
higher yielding cows increasing milk
output from a smaller cow herd.
In the longer term this reduction in dairy
cow numbers could reduce the
availability of beef cattle from the dairy
In addition increasing dairy
production costs and an over reliance
on the liquid milk sector in mainland EU
has reduced confidence in the sector
and this inhibits growth despite the
opportunities the ending of the milk
quota in 2015 will bring.
The EU beef cow herd accounts for the
remaining 34 per cent of the EU cow
herd and in 2012 was back 1.2 per
cent on the previous year.
however predict a slight increase in the
suckler cow herd (+0.5 per cent) with
increased confidence in the sector due
to stronger beef prices. This recovery
in suckler cow numbers has however
been stalled by high feed costs which
are driving up the costs of production
and the current high cull cow prices
across the EU.
Whilst demand for beef
in the EU may have shown a decline the
EU has become a net exporter of beef
and this has helped keep beef prices at
a reasonably strong level.
Global Beef Market
With firm producer prices across the
globe and an increasing global demand
for beef the biggest barrier affecting
future possible growth is the rising
costs of production.
For example in Italy
where beef production systems are
heavily dependent on large inputs of
cereals the costs of production have
increased markedly. As a result levels
of beef production have started to show
declines due to increasing costs and
diminishing returns.
Competition for land from other sectors
is also an important factor when
considering future global beef supply.
The rising global demand for cereals for
feed and bio-fuels has meant large
areas of traditional ruminant producing
regions of South America have been
converted to arable production with
beef production pushed out onto more
marginal lands.
Competition from other
industries such as dairy must also be
considered e.g. in New Zealand beef
production is competing against a
rapidly expanding dairy industry for
land. With reduced profitability in beef
production farmers are changing land
uses and production practices to
increase incomes.
On a more positive note however the
demand for beef is on the increase
across the globe, particularly in the
Middle East and North Africa, which will
open potential export markets at a time
when domestic sales within the EU are
Both regions also have a strong
demand for live imports of cattle with
Turkey in particular having a preference
for live cattle over imported beef and
altered tariffs during 2012 to
encourage more imports of cattle for
breeding and slaughter. Another
important export market for the EU is
Russia which has a huge demand for
manufacturing beef which it uses in
further processing.
The majority of
demand from Russia would be for dairy
origin cattle with limited demand for
prime cattle. The UK now has access to
this important market as of late 2012.
Future Opportunities
The latest GIRA report has indicated
opportunities for the EU to export beef
to other regions of the world where beef
demand is on the increase and it is
important that these markets are
utilised. However it has also highlighted
that within the EU the increasing costs
of production have increased beef
prices across the region and this has
made beef less attractive to the
average consumer.
As a result it has
predicted some further declines in EU
beef consumption during 2013.
It should however be noted that
increasing cereal costs may actually
work to the advantage of beef
producers by increasing the cost of
alternative meats such as chicken and
pork, which are totally dependent on
costly cereals.
This is particularly
relevant in the UK and Ireland where
our ability to utilize grass and forage to
finish cattle reduces our dependence
on cereals and has the potential to
keep our costs of production markedly
below our counterparts in the rest of
the EU.
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