Beef Week Heifer Challenge on Again
AUSTRALIA - The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria's Beef Week Heifer Challenge is on again in 2013 in conjunction with Stock & Land Beef Week with many improvements following consultation with exhibitors and others.While entrants will be vying for the $3000 cash if they are named champion or $1500 cash for reserve champion, the greatest benefit from the inaugural competition in 2012 came from additional interest and discussion generated from stud and commercial producers keen to see the quality of a stud’s future breeders according to Beef Week chairman Garry Rodda.
The interest created has resulted in South Australia Beef Week introducing a similar competition in 2013.
Beef Week 2013 commences on January 30 in the Western District and ends on February 6 in the eastern Riverina. Entry forms including information on the heifer competition is now available on
One big improvement for the 2013 heifer competition is that a single judging panel will assess all entries on their Beef Week day meaning the heifers will not need to be re-mustered for a final judging as happened in 2012.
“Severe flooding in 2012 hindered the judging of the finalists so we have streamlined the process so the one visit on the Beef Week day is all that is required with the announcement of the winners made within two days after the end of Beef Week,” said Mr Rodda.
The following entry requirements include some adjustments following feedback.
- Each entry to consist of 10 registered heifers (from primary or secondary registers) from the 2011 drop. This opens the competition for both autumn and spring calving herds.
- An entry may consist of a mix of primary and secondary registered heifers.
- A primary register is for fully ‘herd book’ registered animals. Because 30 per cent of registered cattle in Australia now reside in secondary registers, it is deemed appropriate they should be included.
- A secondary register, according to the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders’ Association (ARCBA), covers animals that are bred for seedstock production and recorded by a beef breed society but excluding animals entered on the society’s herd book.
- The judges, who will visit each entrant on their Beef Week day (except for unexpected circumstances) will announce their arrival and may request the age range of the heifers.
- Breedplan figures are not required and will not be taken into consideration.
- Each entry to be of one breed type. Horned and poll heifers can be included in the one entry or as separate entries.
- The heifers should be yarded in a confined area and clearly identified as an entry with special pen cards supplied by Beef Week.
- The judging criteria will be based on:
- Breed characteristics
- Maternal potential
- Feet and legs
- Uniformity
- Temperament
- Overall presentation and physical correctness
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