Tuesday Daily Livestock Article
AUSTRALIA - Supply rebounded at Toowoomba as more yearling cattle come through. Medium weight yearling steers to feed topped at 220¢ and averaged 189¢, while heavy C3 pens made 187¢/kg. Heavy C4 grown steers were 8¢ dearer on 178¢, while the few heavy cows mainly sold at 146¢/kg, reports Meat and Livestock Australia.
Throughput was simular at Tamworth and quality was fair, as more crop finished young cattle came forward. Light yearling steers to restock eased 11¢ - to 221¢, as the heavy pens sold from 177¢ to 186¢/kg. Yearling heifers to the trade remained firm on 177¢ and heavy grown steers settled on 180¢/kg. Medium cows sold at 131¢ and heavyweight pens averaged 145¢/kg.
Supply was back slightly at Wagga, yet quality was maintained across the grades. Heavily muscled vealer steers topped at 266¢, as most of the vealer heifers to slaughter were on 229¢/kg. Heavy yearling steers eased by up to 5¢, mainly selling from 185¢ to 201¢, as the C3 heifer portion settled on 187¢/kg. A good quality run of heavy cows were firm on 149¢/kg.
After Monday's sales the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) was 1¢ higher for the week on 377.5¢/kg cwt. The trade steer indicator held firm on 215¢, and feeder steers slipped by 8¢ - to 195¢/kg. Heavy steer prices were 2¢ lower on 175¢ and medium cow finished unchanged on 136¢/kg.
Lamb supply increased at Dubbo with reports of the largest yarding for quite some time. Quality was mixed throughout with ample lightweights together with some well finished trade and heavy weight pens offered. New season lambs sold $3 dearer ranging from $114 to $136 while the older trade pens lifted $2 ranging from $102 to $120/head. Medium weight mutton sold from $84 to $127/head.
Supply lifted sharply at Bendigo and quality was mixed with a comprehensive offering of all grades. Heavy trade weight pens mostly sold from $106 to $128/head. Heavy 4 score lamb pens made $118 to $148 to be cheaper $8 to $12/head. Medium weight Merino ewes ranged from $105 to $128 to be $1/head cheaper.
At the conclusion of Monday's markets the eastern states restocker lamb indicator had gained 42¢ for the week, setting at 571¢/kg cwt. Merino lamb prices were 6¢ higher on 467¢, while light lamb was up 9¢ - to 510¢/kg cwt. Trade lambs were 12¢ cheaper on 492¢ and heavy lamb was up 7¢ - to 455¢/kg cwt. Mutton was 3¢ higher on 435¢/kg cwt.
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