New Research Funding For Animal Health

IRELAND - The Irish government has announced details of up to €450,000 in funding for Irish researchers in three special animal health-related areas.
calendar icon 14 April 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

Ireland is involved in a number of European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETS). The objective of the ERA-NET scheme is to improve co-operation and co-ordination of research activities carried out at national or regional level in the Member States and Associated States through:

  • the networking of research activities conducted at national or regional level, and
  • transnational research calls

One such research area, which is of particular interest to Ireland due to the importance of livestock to the Agri-Food sector and the wider economy, is EMIDA (Emerging and Major Infectious Diseases of Livestock). Funding of Irish participation will be limited to the following areas:

  • Paratuberculosis (Johne's Disease) in ruminant livestock
  • Improved diagnosis of mycobacterial infections
  • Anthelmintic resistance

The funding is in respect of the 2nd EMIDA ERA-Net research call for transnational research, with funding available over the three years duration of the programme.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney said "I am very conscious and supportive of the importance of continued investment in Research and Development, especially considering the ambitious growth targets contained in the Food Harvest 2020 report. The Livestock sector is of crucial importance to this country and I am confident that Irish involvement in transnational research will yield tangible herd health benefits over the coming years resulting in improved profitability on cattle farms."

The Minister concluded by wishing "every success to Irish researchers and their consortia in applying for funding under the EMIDA research call".

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