The End of the Tunnel is in Sight.
UK - The next meeting of SCoFCAH, is Monday/Tuesday (3rd/4th Dec) next week, when DEFRA hope that it will be agreed that restrictions on exports to EU of products and fresh meat can be lifted so that certificates will no longer be required.This would have to be implemented before it can take effect. This may not be until close to 15 December when the current decision will fall automatically and if not replaced with another decision, restrictions will also fall.
However, traders are urged to continue obtaining certificates until the final position is confirmed.
Third country exporters will have to wait until the next OIE meeting takes place in January. If it is decided to restore FMD free status to the UK we would hope that 3rd countries will act in accordance with this, although there will still be difficulties with the usual suspects. Government help will be provided to address these when the time comes.