NFU Scotland Asks for Set-Aside Derogation back
UK - In the wake of recent wet weather and with more rain forecast, NFU Scotland has written to the Scottish Executive to ask for a derogation from the normal set-aside rules to allow cattle to graze on set-aside land.Commission Regulation (EC) No 2002/2006 states that farmers shall set aside land from 15 January until 31 August. However, Member States have the ability to decide on whether to allow an early end to set-aside in exceptional circumstances, and it is on this basis that NFUS has appealed to the Scottish Executive.
NFU Scotland Vice-President, Nigel Miller says:
“In most parts of the country we saw the wettest June since records began and the wet weather has continued into July. This presents farmers with a number of problems, principally, a delay in cutting hay and silage, wet ground causing damage to pasture and the need to use second-crop silage to keep cows grazing.
“We hope very much that the Scottish Executive will give permission for Scottish farmers to let their livestock graze on set-aside land.”
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