Bull Fertility Testing Should Be Part Of Beef Program

US - Several details go into maintaining a successful beef cattle operation and Dr. Robert Wells, a Noble Foundation livestock (and beef cattle) specialist, said bull fertility testing should be part of the program.
calendar icon 19 April 2007
clock icon 1 minute read
Bull fertility testing involves collecting semen from a bull, examining the semen, and determining if the bull will be capable of impregnating the cows.

“All bulls should be tested, no matter how old, how young, or how many bulls are in the herd,” said Wells.

He added that bulls should be tested each year, prior to turn out.

“I recommend to my producers that they test within six weeks of turn out,” said Wells. That way, if a bull fails to provide good test results, he said, producers have plenty of time to replace the bull before the breeding season begins.

Bull fertility testing is usually done at a veterinarian’s office, but can be done anywhere where the necessary equipment (which includes a microscope and sometimes an electro-ejaculator) can be accessed. How the process is completed, and the examination of the bull, can vary.

“Bull fertility testing can vary in the detail and manner in which the veterinarian or technician does it,” he explained. “It can be something as simple as collecting from the bull and then looking at the (semen) sample under a microscope.”

Bull fertility testing should be done by a veterinarian or another qualified person, according to Wells. In general, he said he doesn’t recommend cattle raisers test their own bulls.

Source: Sulphur Springs Country World News
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