Nebraska Cattlemen decries unfair rules on U.S. beef to Japan
US - The Tyson beef packing plant in Lexington got blacklisted Friday by Japan after accidentally sending 95 pounds of rib meat to Japan. The meat came from cattle under 30 months of age and is otherwise safe. But Japan insists U.S. beef must come from animals 20 months of age or younger.Michael Kelsey, Executive Vice President of Nebraska Cattlemen, told Brownfield that Friday's incident shows the rules on shipping beef to Japan just aren't right. "Our trade with Japan is not fair, and it should be," said Kelsey.
Indeed, Kelsey said there's absolutely no reason for Japan's age restrictions on U.S. beef. "Our border with Japan should be open - our beef is safe," Kelsey emphasized. "We have testing procedures, we have strategies in place that keep our beef safe, and so it's frustrating to say the least."
U.S. Ag Secretary Mike Johanns has indicated he wants further talks with Japan on relaxing their restrictions against U.S. beef. Japanese officials haven't yet indicated a willingness to hold such talks.
Source: Brownfield Network