Sabah ideal breeding centre, says Malasian official

MALAYSIA - Sabah has huge potential to set up a National Breeding Centre (NBC) in the country, said Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Abdul Rahim Ismail.
calendar icon 21 December 2006
clock icon 1 minute read

He said the State Government is in the process of proposing to the Federal Government the breeding of dairy cows and cattle given the advantages possessed by the State.

"Sabah has much potential to establish a National Breeding Centre as until now there has not been any trace of foot and mouth diseases (FMD) in the State.

"Also this has been certified by a France-based international body, Office International des Epizooties (OIE) that issued a certificate two years ago declaring Sabah free from FMD," he said.

Rahim said this when handing over livestock to breeders at the multi-purpose hall, here, Tuesday.

Among those present were Department of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry (Dovsai) director, Datuk Pg. Awang Sahak Salleh, Fisheries Department Director Rayner Stuel Galid, Kuala Penyu assemblyman Datuk John Ghani, head of departments here and breeders.

In addition, Rahim said, Sabah is also free from Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and that the State has a total grazing reserve of about 100,000 acres to breed the ruminants particularly dairy cows and cattle, thus making the State eligible to have such a centre.

Source: Daily Express

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