Bull Congress is gearing up

CANADA - The 21th annual Canadian Bull Congress is only a month away. The Canadian Bull Congress Jan. 19 and 20 will feature many of the regular attractions including the purebred and commercial cattle displays, agri-business trade show, super sire avenue, herd bull walk, bull sale, and heifer pen auction.
calendar icon 20 December 2006
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The biggest change will be the return of the highly popular Bull-nanza draw and the prize has increased significantly from $5,000 to $7,500, chairman Grant Bailey said. Doors open at 9 a.m. each day at the Camrose Regional Exhibition.

We’ve made some changes which have come about from suggestions and comments made by exhibitors and sponsors. We listened and worked through some of the ideas,” Bailey added. The changes include both a pen of three and a pen of five heifer show.


“All of the major breeds will be here, there’s something for everyone and the Taste of Beef banquet always sells out,” he added. “Over the past year, the Canadian Bull Congress has made some tremendous marketing and promotional partnerships. Marilyn Lee participated in the Farm Fair Trade Mission and presented a session about the Canadian Bull Congress at the Royal Show in Stoneleigh, UK, as well as some stops in Ireland.”


Bailey said the organization hopes to build on that, as well as the 20-year history and reputation it has developed to transform the conference into an even more international event. “The Canadian Bull Congress is well known across Canada and now has ties in Ireland, UK and other European countries. We will continue to strengthen our commitment to the Canadian/Alberta cattle industry by promoting the world’s best beef wherever possible.” For producers, the Canadian Bull Congress is the place to help enhance their bloodlines while consumers are able to learn more about the industry and sample meat from each of the top breeds.


For more information on the Canadian Bull Congress visit the web site at www.bullcongress.com or contact Marilyn Lee at 672-3640.

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