Once-bred heifer system increases profit from beef
UK - How many beef producers can say they have a margin over costs of £378 for finished Continental cross heifers? Unfortunately, the answer is likely to be not many, unless the heifers in question are finished having already calved once at 24 months old."However, within suckler systems it is important to consider the optimum age at slaughter, such as once-bred heifers versus subsequent parities, in terms of maximising carcass value and overall profitability."
And as far as once-bred heifer systems are concerned, Dr Dawson says they are considered biologically more efficient than maintaining a traditional suckler cow and can be used to increase herd output before the heifer is slaughtered.
"Results from a trial carried out at Hillsborough involved once-bred Blonde D'Aquitaine cross Charolais heifers compared with maiden heifers slaughtered at 24 months old, which showed carcass value increased when heifers were bred and sold at weaning or after a period of finishing relative to un-bred heifers."
Source: fwi.co.uk