AgForce Against Australian Cattle Brand Fee

AUSTRALIA - A farm lobby group says the introduction of a new Queensland Government fee for cattle brand registrations would be unfair.
calendar icon 8 July 2009
clock icon 1 minute read

In response to a question on notice, Primary Industries Minister Tim Mulherin says the Government is considering how the brand system is funded as part of a review of Biosecurity Queensland, says ABCNews.

According to the report, Mr Mulherin says livestock owners already pay for the initial registration and transfer of brands used to establish stock ownership.

AgForce cattle president Grant Maudsley says a new fee would penalise an industry which is a major contributor to the state's economy.

"The beef industry in Queensland produces a lot for the economy of Queensland, the flow-on effects of what we produce provide the foundation for what happens in Queensland," he told AgForce.

"We've seen with the economic crisis ... that agriculture is still the shining light and kicks away there while everyone else is sort of floundering around a bit, so we provide plenty for the economy and raising a measly amount of money for the purpose of brands, doesn't make much sense."

Mr Maudsley says the group will lobby the State Government not to introduce the new registration fee.

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